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AFL Solution

The Future of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock, Connected by AI


Transformative support

Global connections


AFL's vision and goal is to build a strong cooperative network based on trust with agriculture and livestock workers, and to create a future-leading ecosystem that connects Korea's agriculture and livestock industry with the world.

Lettuce Farm

Innovative solutions for sustainable growth and global competitiveness

The future of AI-connected agriculture

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AFL innovatively integrates all elements of the agriculture and livestock industry through AI technology, and works closely with Korean farmers to strengthen their competitiveness in the global market.

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From package drafts to packaging with AI

AI automation package design

We analyze successful package design and marketing practices to train AI models and develop machine learning algorithms that predict customer preferences.

This enables us to build tools to automate the creation of design and marketing content to reduce costs and maximize efficiency.

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AFL News & Updates

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AFL Tech wins KRW 6 billion contract


Jenhyuk - Farmitry,
AFL sign agreement to integrate smart agriculture and livestock systems

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Jenhyuk - Farmitry,
AFL sign agreement to integrate smart agriculture and livestock systems


Jenhyuk - Farmitry,
AFL sign agreement to integrate smart agriculture and livestock systems

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Jenhyuk - Farmitry,
AFL sign agreement to integrate smart agriculture and livestock systems

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Jenhyuk - Farmitry,
AFL sign agreement to integrate smart agriculture and livestock systems

Who We Are?

Get to know AFL's story and the AFL crew

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What We Do

Get to know AFL's story and the AFL crew


Innovative support


AFL builds trust with the agriculture and livestock industry and build a strong collaborative network to connect Korea's agriculture and livestock industry with the rest of the world to create a future-leading ecosystem.

Global connections

Lettuce Farm

Price forecasting at a glance, when to trade

Integrated wholesale trading system

Building a real-time data collection system
Set up APIs and databases to collect price data from wholesale and retail markets in real-time
to collect price data from wholesale and retail markets in real-time.

Develop an AI-based price prediction model 
Build an AI model to predict price volatility and recommend the best time to sell.

Develop data visualization tools
Visualize price change data to make it easier for users to understand.

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More granular, sustainable support

Customer support system

Operate a 24/7 customer support center
Run a 24/7 customer support center with multilingual support,
so that users can get help at any time.

Provide online training materials
To help users get the most out of your solution
online training videos, tutorials, and FAQs to help users get the most out of your solution.

Enable a user community
 Enable an online community to help users share knowledge and solve problems.
online community to help users share knowledge and solve problems.

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Make it easy for anyone to access global markets 

Global Import/Export Management System

Integrate your global logistics network
We partner with leading logistics providers to integrate your global
logistics networks and integrate them into the platform.

Development of export process automation modules
Develop modules to automate processes such as export document preparation, customs clearance, logistics management, etc.
processes such as export document preparation, customs clearance, and logistics management.

Compliance and legal support
Build a support system that provides legal advice and the ability to comply with export regulations in each country.

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대한민국 여성기업

AFL is an officially certified female company by the Seoul Small and Medium Venture Business Administration.

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Transformative support

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AFL News & Updates

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Coffee Chat

Let's grab a coffee and share our stories.

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Build data encryption and access control systems

Deploy encryption technologies and access control systems to protect user data.

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Introduce multi-factor authentication

To protect user accounts multi-factor authentication system to protect user accounts.

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Develop a user-friendly interface

Analyze user behavior and use their feedback to design interface UX based on the feedback.

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